Thursday, August 13, 2015

Miss Shirley's Cafe

Fried Green Tomatoes with Lemon-Herb Aioli & Chow Chow
Price $6.99

Just a simple appetizer from Miss Shirley's Cafe. What I love about fried green tomatoes is the contrast of textures and tastes. On one hand you have the crispy fried exterior and on the other hand when you bite inside, you get this surprising tartness of green tomatoes. I like the green tomatoes but I think I'd rather eat it with the crust because the contrast really does this dish wonders. Next, let's get onto the Aioli sauce. I didn't know what it was and I had to look it up. Apparently it's a type of sauce originating from the  Provençal-speaking population of southern France. It consists of garlic, olive oil, egg yolks, and lemon juice. The first thing that popped into my head was, hey, that's like Hollandaise sauce. While I've never tried Hollandaise, I can see from pictures that it looks more liquidy than the Aioli here. It went great with the fried green tomatoes. And just like the heading that this dish is under in the menu, it certainly woke up my taste buds! Same with the chow chow relish. Great starter, in my opinion. I want to go back to Shirley's to try this again AND the other stuff they have on their menu. They have such a wide selection too. I guess being a brunch place really opens up the opportunity to have this variety.

Location: Miss Shirley's Cafe @ Baltimore

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