Thursday, August 20, 2015


Momers made me a burger! Yay! It was so good and filling. There's about a half pound of party in this burger (such filling!) There's also some minced onions and cheese incorporated into the patty, just the way I love it :) Under the patty there's also some reinvented marinara sauce, balancing out the meaty patty. The meat was cooked well and seasoned well, but where this dish may have fallen is in the amount of butter used. It rendered the buns too oily. Momers did intend to put in some lettuce and tomatoes in this burger to balance out the fat, which I think would be a great idea, but alas no lettuce and tomatoes :(. But overall, greattttt burger! He made two and I had both of them (imagine me gaining 5000 pounds on the spot). Unfortunately for the second burger, I had to remove the buns because they got destroyed by the butter that they were soaking in :(. I combined the still remaining patty with cheese and onions into my rice for the next day and it was irresistable. Next, momers dad's fish kebabs. So good! Outside, there's a breaded coating with generous amount of seasoning. Inside, there's a combination of very finely ground fish and chicken. I was very impressed with the texture and how fine the meats were. And of course, the filling was not short of flavor! Once I put it in my mouth, there was a burst of spices weaved through meatcake. Very delicious. I also combined two of the kebabs with my rice and it was similarly delicious. I have less of a heat tolerance so the rice really helped! Looking forward to more food from momers (and his dad!)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Miss Shirley's Cafe

Fried Green Tomatoes with Lemon-Herb Aioli & Chow Chow
Price $6.99

Just a simple appetizer from Miss Shirley's Cafe. What I love about fried green tomatoes is the contrast of textures and tastes. On one hand you have the crispy fried exterior and on the other hand when you bite inside, you get this surprising tartness of green tomatoes. I like the green tomatoes but I think I'd rather eat it with the crust because the contrast really does this dish wonders. Next, let's get onto the Aioli sauce. I didn't know what it was and I had to look it up. Apparently it's a type of sauce originating from the  Provençal-speaking population of southern France. It consists of garlic, olive oil, egg yolks, and lemon juice. The first thing that popped into my head was, hey, that's like Hollandaise sauce. While I've never tried Hollandaise, I can see from pictures that it looks more liquidy than the Aioli here. It went great with the fried green tomatoes. And just like the heading that this dish is under in the menu, it certainly woke up my taste buds! Same with the chow chow relish. Great starter, in my opinion. I want to go back to Shirley's to try this again AND the other stuff they have on their menu. They have such a wide selection too. I guess being a brunch place really opens up the opportunity to have this variety.

Location: Miss Shirley's Cafe @ Baltimore

Mushroom Swiss Burger from McDonald's

Price (meal): ~$7

I'm so glad this is back. This is one of my favorite burgers from McDonalds. I have to say, I did miss the taste a lot. It was warm and savory. A bit dry at times, but I fixed that with some dipping sauce! There was barbecue sauce and sweet & sour sauce (?). In any case, great burger. It filled me up just right. 

Location: Kings Plaza McDonalds

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Jamierian Bento V1

The meal in question today is a homemade bento made by none other than the Jamiers that the blog is named after. What we have here is a generous serving of rice with sides of sautéd mushrooms as well as tomatoes mixed with eggs and potatoes.

Right in the center of the rice there is some we have some essence of chili, it added a very light kick to the rice when mixed together. It was a a great addition to the dish but I personally would have liked some more. More kick more fun.

My first bite was pretty funny I think. I jumped straight for the mushrooms and I think I had gotten at least 5 pieces stuck between different teeth dangling. I imagine the smile I made right after the first bite was killer. The tomatoes were nice and firm with a fresh taste to it and the potatoes were nicely cut with a defined shape and a thickness that was spot on.

This was a lot of food but great when split in half for two meals. My biggest complaint was that there wasn't enough broth which leads me to my next point. This meal works fantastic as a bento. when I ate it soon after it was completed there was a lack of broth but as time passed water condensed around the sides making a pseudo broth. This really did wonders for the dish. I couldn't help myself from wolfing it all down.
This is a perfect meal to take to work from home.

Jamiers and i both ate together at the time and i do feel like i had the better of the meals :D
I hands down had the better tomatoes and mushrooms. My potatoes were better too :D
This was just the Jamiers first attempt at a bento and it was already so good.
I am really excited to try her second attempt.

Website: Jamiers eats
Location: Earth

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Chobani Store

Fresh Fruit and Granola
with seasonal fresh fruits, signature granola blend, & clove honey (Half)

I regret not taking a picture of it with the mesh cover off but I'm also glad I got the beautiful mesh cover as well. To start off the presentation was beautiful. I was awed by the fact that they served the yogurt in a glass container that you actually got to take home! The mesh cover gave the yogurt a picnicky feel, which I loved. And of course, when the contents were unveiled, there was a beautiful assortment of fresh strawberries and blueberries, covered in a clove honey drizzle. To start off, the clove honey was outstanding. I'm not really a fan of sweet, but the clove honey was just the right amount of sweet and worked very well with the yogurt on the bottom. I really liked the granola crunch, which is reminiscent of the Chobani Flip series with crunchy bits to go with the plain greek yogurt. Would definitely go get another one if I had the chance. I get a free glass container too, so why not?

Website: Chobani


Ghost Pepper Fries

Fast food fries are just hands-down, the best fries there are. This was a creative twist to the tradition fries. It was generously coated in savory cheese mixed with an almost hidden spicy sauce, topped with ghost pepper bits. It tasted delicious. The ghost peppers were very spicy. I felt it in my ears while eating a few pieces. I love spicy food but my tolerance is probably still not so good. I had to leave the remaining bits that I couldn't finish for my boyfriend. But overall, fantastic side from Wendy's for a great price! I'd totally get these again, too bad it was only offered for a limited time :'(

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


A-5 Wagyu Carpaccio
Ichimi tamari, chimichurri, achiote oil, scallions, haritogarashi
Price ~$25

I've never been a beef expert, but apparently there's a grading scale for the quality of beef and A-5 is the highest you can get. Wagyu is a unique Japanese cattle that is exclusively fed good quality grains and specially raised. Let's say the taste not only didn't disappoint, but it was above my expectations. The texture was impeccably smooth. The moment I slid it into my mouth, it melted harmoniously into my taste buds. It was beautiful. The seasoning was excellent. I loved the ichimi tamari soy sauce around the beef. That coupled with the chimichurri flavor and scallions gave the beef some extra accent. I would love more, but you know what? Giving more would actually kind of take away from the classiness. I think this amount was perfect in terms of leaving me wanting more. Wallet took a big hit for taste buds. Thank you wallet!

Habanero Salmon
Mango, tomato, cilantro wrapped in soy paper, topped with salmon and edible petals

I loved it. The salmon was delicious. The mango gave it a tropical twist. I didn't know what soy paper was, but it was smoother than seaweed and it held the contents of the sushi together well. The sushi roll itself is not spicy. Instead they gave us habanero sauce on the side. With or without the habanero sauce, it was a delight. Very good combination of flavors. The edible petals were a bit strange at first but if you forget that they're petals, they taste kind of like texturized lettuce. 

Steamed Lobster Roll
Crispy onion, baby greens, jalapeno, ichimi soy paper
Price ~$17

The rolls looked beautiful. I was just envying the soy paper for a while. What I loved about this roll was the variety incased within the soy paper. There's the lobster flavor, mixed with the lightly seasoned greens, crispiness on the side and mild spiciness. I loved it to bits! I'm not usually crazy about lobster, but since it was Baltimore, seafood is a must. 

Sides: Red Potato and Snow Peas with Rice

Price: ~$8

We weren't sure if everything we ordered would fill us up so we decided to get some sides. The potatoes and snow peas were phenomenal. So simple, yet so delicious. We had it together with the rice along with a bit of sauce from the sauteed mushrooms (coming up next). It was so good. I've always loved the round grained rice that the Japanese use. 

Sauteed Mushrooms
Shiitake, enoki, shimeji & eringi mushrooms, ponzu butter, myoga, shiso, chives

Price: ~12

Damn. Just damn. It was out of this world. I just loved this assortment of mushrooms. Each type brought its own charm to the entire dish. From the stringy enoki mushrooms, to the perfectly bite-sized shiitake mushrooms, the plate was just charming. Alas, the rice came after the mushrooms. It would have been perfect with the rice and potatoes!

Yuzu Ice Cream 
with chocolate shards

Price: ~$8

I love love love love yuzu ice cream. Oh my god. Yuzu is a very aromatic Japanese citrus that tastes somewhat like a cross-between grapefruit and lemon. The flavor of yuzu is ephemeral. It gave me the same chill down my back as when I tried jasmine tea for the first time. The flavor is just enrapturing with a predominant citrus tang and a hint of bitterness. I love the personality that it has. I know this might sound creepy, but you know the type of female characters who are badass but also has a softer side? That's how it tastes like. Yes, call me weirdddd. The chocolate works as a great balance with the citrusy flavor. Not to mention, the presentation is gorgeous! I'm definitely going to hunt down some more yuzu ice cream.

Azumi was a very expensive food venture but it was worth it. The food was delectable, the service was outstanding, and the harbor view was spectacular. Feel free to check out Azumi yourself, i've included the address down below as well as a link to their website. Enjoy :)

Website: Azumi